Mp Praises Microshops Concept

We were pleased to hear Ipswich MP Tom Hunt praise Microshops in Parliament this week.
The MP visited the Microshops site in Carr Street recently and was impressed how we had transformed an empty shop unit into a thriving hub, filled with local entrepreneurs who want to try their first retail experience without the burden of long leases.
He highlighted the concept, which has been rolled out to six LCP-owned or managed shopping centres, to Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, in the House of Commons.
Writing on his Facebook page, Mr Hunt said: This is exactly the kind of project we should be getting behind, and has come about because of the owner of the building … We need not only funding but also a can-do attitude from the Borough Council to bring high footfall and prosperity to our Town centre, and independent, local-owned businesses to buildings which might otherwise be vacant.""
Microshops is the biggest retail change in 50 years, enabling retailers, makers, artists and designers the chance to rent an affordable, all-inclusive pod. We've already opened in: Ipswich, Thornaby, Govan Cross, Penicuik, Margate and Aldershot.
You can find out more about Microshops here and check if we have availability in your local area.