
Finance Director Halfway Through Marathon Challenge

A finance director who aims to complete 52 marathons this year to raise funds for motor neurone disease is half way through his challenge - and has already raised thousands of pounds in the process.


Robin Mawby, the UK finance director for national commercial property and investment company LCP, set himself the challenge in January, shortly after his 52nd birthday.


By last week, he had completed his 26th marathon, when he took part in the It's Grim Up North Summer Extravaganza held on the Leeds to Liverpool canal.


After already reaching his fundraising target of £5,200 for the Motor Neurone Disease Association, Robin has now increased his target to £7,777 - inspired by the number 7 shirt that former Leeds Rhinos rugby player Rob Burrow, who has MND, wore.


"I appreciate everyone's support so far," said Robin. "After I reached my fundraising target, it seemed the right time to stretch it even further and I really hope I can reach £7,777 by the end of the year.


"It has been a slog sometimes and there have been occasions when I just didn't want to get up and run, but every step means I can raise more money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association and that is all the inspiration I need to get my running jersey on."


Robin, who lives in Bridgnorth, Shropshire, said he was inspired to raise money after seeing the incredible efforts of player Kevin Sinfield. The former professional rugby league has raised more than £7 million for MND charities. He was also touched by the story of Doddie Weir, who died from MND last year.


When he completes the tough challenge, he will have run a total of 1,362.4 miles.


Robin has set up a JustGiving page. Anyone wanting to sponsor his marathon effort should head to: https://www.justgiving.com/page/robin-mawby-1672219379915

Finance Director Halfway Through Marathon Challenge
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