Arcadian Centre Manager Wins 2024 'Woman of the Year' Award

Over the last 7 years Jo has supported these businesses alongside establishing the Safe Space which has already helped thousands of revellers have a safe night out across Birmingham City Centre and has led to massive savings for the local NHS and West Midlands Police. We are incredibly proud of her achievements.
The manager of one of Birmingham city centre’s best-known hospitality centres has been announced as Southside Woman of the Year 2024.
Jo Kinsella, centre manager of The Arcadian, won the award for her leadership, dedicated commitment and for her hard work establishing the Southside Safe Space - the dedicated resource staffed by trained paramedics from Saint John’s Ambulance which offers help and support to anyone needing it during a night out.
Julia Robinson, manager of the Southside Business Improvement District (BID), explained how Southside Safe Space had helped more than 5,000 people since it was jointly launched by the BID and LCP Management Ltd in 2019: “Staffed by paramedics from St John Ambulance, the safe space offers help and support to people who need it from midnight until 5am every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.”
“The fact that so many people have benefited from its presence is due to the consistent commitment shown by Jo, and this long standing dedication was judged to be worthy of this year’s Southside Woman of the Year award,” Julie concluded.
The centre is owned and managed by LCP, the national commercial and property investment company which is part of M Core – one of the UK’s largest private owners of retail, industrial and office property.
Rob Ellis, LCP Director said: ““The Arcadian is a busy retail and entertainment centre comprising over 20 restaurants, 10 bars, a hotel, the Glee Club, 4 nightclubs and many other outlets. Over the last 7 years Jo has supported these businesses alongside establishing the Safe Space which has already helped thousands of revellers have a safe night out across Birmingham City Centre and has led to massive savings for the local NHS and West Midlands Police. We are incredibly proud of her achievements.”
Jo Kinsella received her award from Kin Bong Lam (pictured) Chairman of the Birmingham Chinatown Business Association, which sponsored the award when it was launched for the very first time in 2024 on International Woman’s Day. The Southside Woman of the Year Award 2024 also includes more than £1,000 worth of prizes from local businesses.

Over the last 7 years Jo has supported these businesses alongside establishing the Safe Space which has already helped thousands of revellers have a safe night out across Birmingham City Centre and has led to massive savings for the local NHS and West Midlands Police. We are incredibly proud of her achievements.